CiViQ partners gather in Munich for the M6 Consortium Meeting

From April 29-30th 2019, consortium members of the Quantum Flagship CiViQ project gathered at the Huawei Technologies Düsseldorf Gmbh facilities to discuss the latest achievements of the project and overviews on the future work awaiting.

During the two-day meeting, the project partners exchanged ideas and discussed the use cases, results and advances accomplished so far, as well as set common objectives and established the next steps for the smooth roll of the initiative.

The CiViQ project aims to make Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) a mainstream technology for securing communications and data transmission for individuals, industries and institutions on a wide scale, by providing systems developed with end-user consumer components and optical telecommunication equipment following user defined requirements, and by validating their capacity to seamlessly operate with current existing telecommunication platforms, within flexible and dynamic networks.

CiViQ is one of the largest projects within the Quantum Flagship. It involves 21 partners, ranging from research centers and universities, to industry, SMEs as well as giant telecommunication network operators, covering the entire supply chain and development cycle of such approach for introducing it in novel network architectures and their security protection.

Family picture of the CiViQ consortium members.