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Quantum cryptography experimental battle-testing: thwart the easy attacks first!

Quantum cryptography will be a key asset for securing private and sensitive communications in the near future. To be efficient, technologies like Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) have to resist external attacks. Researchers from Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, have shown in an experiment published in Nature Scientific Reports that a given security vulnerability can […]

CiViQ in a nutshell by Eleni Diamanti

What to know what the European Quantum Flagship project CiviQ is? Dr. Eleni Diamanti, researcher from CNRS and Sorbonne University, gives us a brief scope about what CiViQ and how it will be integrated into currently telecom networks.  

CiViQ’s industry, SMEs and large operators

In the era of telecommunications and digital technologies, daily operations of individuals, businesses and administrations are mostly done through the internet, but everyone is concerned about one thing: security. Each of the 21 partners at CiViQ covers a specific section of the supply chain. Currently, several telecom operators and small and medium enterprises are helping […]