CiViQ at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference

CiViQ’s researchers Antonio Acín from ICFO and Victor López from Telefonica participate in this year’s Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2021). The conference, organized by The Optical Society of America (OSA), is the largest global conference and exhibition for optical communications and networking professionals. The 2021 edition is held virtually. CiViQ’s researcher at CNRS Eleni Diamanti organizes one of the special sessions.


  • Quantum Information Science and Technology (QIST) in the Context of Optical Communications (Thursday, June 10th)

Antonio Acín will give the talk “Quantum Networks beyond Point-to-point Configurations” as a part of this symposium. The session will discuss different aspects of QIST in light of their relevance for optical communications.  For quantum key distribution (QKD), which is one of the most mature applications, the focus is on the integration into a communications environment, the operator perspective, and deployment experiences. We also look into the technological progress and future developments for QKD.

The second part of the symposium addresses the challenges for realizing full-scale quantum networks and the advanced applications such a network can support, like connecting quantum computers or sensors. The role integrated quantum optics can play for photonic quantum computing will also be discussed.

  • Open Networking Summit Towards Converged Open Packet-optical Networks

Victor López organizes the summit, which provides the most recent updates and trends on open technologies, architectures, and interfaces in optical networking. Invited speakers will give their views on network disaggregation and how it is driving the design of new devices and technologies such as open optical and packet/optical transponders, open-source network operating systems, and open planning tools. They will also report on the progress in initiatives such as OpenRoadm, Telecom Infra Project, OpenConfig, and ONF. The session closes with a panel discussion where operators and vendors will debate deployment strategies, challenges in open networking and discuss the expected trends towards fully converged open packet-optical networks.

Read the full schedule and agenda