Last Wednesday, November 4 2020, CiViQ coordinator Valerio Pruneri presented the status and progress of the project during the specialized session of the 2020 European Quantum Week dedicated to all the flagship projects. The European Quantum Week was organized by the Quantum Flagship with the support of the European Commission and in the frame of the Berlin Science Week and it included outreach activities for the general public, specialized talks and presentations for the quantum community as well as European policy-making and institutional visions for the future of Europe within the field of Quantum Technologies.

The session on Tuesday and Wednesday were aimed at a more specialized audience and focuses on giving a status report and update progress of the 19 different projects that are currently on-going within the flagship.

CiViQ was highlighted in the Communication’s pillar session (Wednesday, session 2) together with the remaining communication projects as well as with Basic Science project 2D·SIPC which is more focuses towards communications.  Representatives of each one were invited to give a 10min talk about their latest results.   

Thus, Pruneri introduced the CiViQ top-down approach, going from the user and industry needs at a network level to consequently transform them into applied technologies. During his presentation, he highlighted CiViQ’s aim of making QKD a mainstream technology for network critical infrastructures security and explained its three main goals:

  • to integrate QKDs into networks in a flexible way,
  • to develop high performance and secure systems,
  • and to prepare for the next generation of quantum communication systems.

The main focus of the presentation reviewed the key results obtained for each of the targeted goals, highlighting the innovation and dissemination impacts so far – that include five patents, two spin-offs and forty-four publications, among others.  

Moreover, Pruneri also emphasized the key importance of cross collaborations among research projects to really push forward the development of quantum technologies. So far, CiViQ has collaborated with quantum flagship projects QRANGE, QIA- Quantum Internet Alliance, and Uniqorn as well as with the Horizon2020 Industrial Leadership initiative Open QKD, which aims to boost the security of critical applications in various fields – from telecommunications to electricity supply and healthcare

CiViQ partners range from telecommunications operators and integrators to small and medium enterprises, institutions, research centres and universities.