On November 26-27th 2019, consortium members of the Quantum Flagship CiViQ project gathered in the Sorbonne University in Paris to carry out the first annual meeting of the initiative. All 21 partners were present and during two full days, they conducted discussions about the latest achievements of the project as well as searched to convey on the future steps for the continuation of the initiative and possible collaborations with other projects of the flagship.

Organized by CNRS, the meeting started with an introduction by the coordinator Valerio Pruneri, who gave an overview of the progress of the project. After the general presentation, the consortium members presented the different work package tasks and deliverables, reported the results and advances accomplished so far, set common objectives and established the next steps of the initiative.

Group picture of the CiViQ consortium.

During the second day, the consortium partners discussed the standing point of CiViQ within the communications technical area and within the Quantum Flagship and reinforced the importance of fostering future collaborations and synergies between the projects from the same technical areas as well as from the other areas. 

Thank you CNRS for hosting a great meeting!